My b-day weekend (a promo)
Seriously, I have cool b-days and I never plan them. Sometimes they're mellow like walk in the woods for a day cool or other times it's drinking vodka and playing ping-pong with russian mafia guys.
I can not wait to write this one. Started mellow, took my new hot, tan male exotic dancer body out early (it's on lease for St. Patty's Day, though I'm seriously thinking about buying it {male exotic dancers seem to get their asses grabbed a lot [though I have to say this to all ass grabby people out there: cup, don't pat. much more pleasant]})
That might be the theme to Monday: Cup, don't pat. And the world is a better place.
Speaking of cool...
Yeah, 'Vote for Pedro' I actually broke down and had to do the camera phone thing after meeting him.
Sigh, that goes on the list of "Things I promised myself I'd never do ever, when I was 18 and saw older people being not cool" (I might really have to write that list, but I'm afraid that I might have made some vocal comments to friends like 'If I ever fucking tan, I want you to beat me to death with a big red whiffle ball bat' and so you see, many of my friends are clearly insane and would proceed to beat me to death with a big red whiffle ball bat after reading the list {not that I tanned!})
Oh, the pic? Hines Ward, motherfuckers...
I was disappointed in NP's SNL performance. I don't think it was so much her fault as it was theirs. They just aren't funny anymore.
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